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Development of a web-based Quiz application

The goal is to plan and implement a web-based quiz application for classrooms. The application will be run on an instructor’s computer, which students can use to connect. A quiz is then run on the PC, which Students can take part in by reading the questions on a projector screen and then choosing the correct answer on their

Software Design
•Backend Components
•Frontend Components
•Database Schema
•Choosing used technologies
•Design Frontend interface

•Implementation of Backend Application Programming Interface (APIs)
•Implementation of Frontend Components
•Implementation of Realtime communication between Frontend and Backend
•Creating Database Models

The project relies heavily on web technologies, which are used to create both a Server and Client applications. Through the client, the tutor should be able to manage Quizzes. The application should also provide a way for students to connect to the tutor’s PC when playing Games with Quizzes. Quiz data should be stored in a database and said data should be managed by the Server, which also manages communication between Clients during Games. Temporary data needed during the Game flow (users, scores) should also be stored on a database. This, however, should be deleted after a Game is finished.

The finished product offers an array of highly functional and useful features:
•Tutors can create Quizzes using an intuitive and simple interface. Said Quizzes can be populated with Questions.
•Tutors can create both Single and Multiple-choice Questions. The Game interface also adapts to the Question type. This allows for more versatile Quizzes.
•The option to delete and edit Quizzes are locked behind a password. This allows the tutor to protect their data from students.
•Games can be started, and students can connect to the tutors’ PC using their own devices to participate. They can use either a PC or a mobile device. Students can specify their name and choose an emoji as an icon, which represents them throughout the game. Questions to be answered are displayed on a Projector.
With that, all must goals and no should goals are completed.

Florian Piberger
Dietmar Winkler, Markus Falkensteiner